Lifting seldom-heard voices in order to re-examine traditional social constructs and to cultivate love and empathy
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Voices of Covid-19 Part Four: Brazil

One Doctor Andréa Oliveira Hintz glances out the window of her high-rise apartment in the city of Salvador, state of Bahia, Brazil. Birds are singing in the lagooned courtyard below and she is preparing for her Sunday at the Hospital

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Voices of Covid-19 Part Three: Denver

Denver Patient Voice Michael Cho, 55, was on his way out the door for work on Monday, March 30, 2020. This morning he was feeling unusually exhausted however, and so he sat on the couch for a minute before leaving.

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Voices of Covid-19 Part Two: New Orleans

Many people who are not concerned about Coronavirus feel they don’t need to worry about it either because they are young or because they have no health risk factors. Some of these people have continued their normal activities and have

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Voices of Covid-19 Part One: Detroit

Coronavirus, or one version of it titled SARS-CoV-2, is wreaking havoc on the world. Some are terrified, feeling the world is coming to an end and believe it’s a religious indicator of the second coming or rapture. Other people think

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Voice of Trauma

“Please help me know how to protect myself against the hurtful and negative energy of people trying to hurt me!” I exclaimed, exasperated to my therapist. She wasn’t sure what I meant. I went on. “When I drove past and

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Senior Voices Part 5- Conclusion

VULNERABILITIES For some seniors, every day can be a struggle to make sure they have food, transportation, medications, and even housing. As I mentioned previously in my Loneliness Series, because of social isolation, older people can be subject to financial

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Senior Voices Part 4 – Nowhere to Go

“The test of a civilization is the way that it cares for its helpless members.” Pearl S. Buck Aurora Health Alliance held a community conversation titled “Nowhere to Go” about vulnerable Seniors stranded in emergency rooms on March 14, 2018.

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Senior Voices Part 3 – Services and Long Term

There is an overwhelming matrix of businesses, government agencies, offices, non-profits, support organizations, long-term care options, programs, and reports. This confusing matrix of resources, paired with employees so overwhelmed with their work load that they have difficulty returning calls, is

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Senior Voices Part 2 – Loneliness

As I previously researched loneliness and learned about that condition I often ran into information about the elderly and loneliness. It happened often enough that I purposely didn’t mention it much in my loneliness series. Instead, I decided that Senior

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Senior Voices Introduction

“They give birth astride of a grave, the light gleams an instant, then it’s night once more.” Samuel Beckett, Waiting for Godot We all are getting older by the week, day, hour, minute. While we are young it seems time

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